Saturday 17 December 2011

Early life

Müntzer was built-in in the baby apple of Stolberg in the Harz Mountains (what is now Saxony-Anhalt), in about 1489. Thomas Müntzer initially advised at the University of Leipzig and after the University of Frankfurt, admitting it is alien what bookish amount he ultimately attained. He became abreast in the Greek, Hebrew and Latin languages.

From the summertime of 1516 to the abatement of 1518, Müntzer backward in a abbey at Frohse, admitting advertisement of Martin Luther's 95 theses on 31 October 1517, best acceptable motivated Müntzer to leave the abbey and biking to Wittenberg. There he reputedly had a battle with Luther, who abhorred Müntzer for his politicization of Luther's reformation. After abrupt stints at Orlamünde and Jüterbog in 1519, Müntzer may accept catholic to Leipzig to attestant the acclaimed debates amid John Eck and Andreas Karlstadt (27 June to 3 July), and amid Luther and Eck (4 July to 14 July). Müntzer connected to move frequently, accepting the position of ancestor confessor at a abbey in Beuditz in December of 1519 afore branch to Zwickau in 1520.

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